

Keeping your low voltage system operational isn't just about responding to issues—it's about preventing them. That's why we've designed our advanced preventative maintenance program to safeguard your facility's low voltage systems, ensuring their optimal performance around the clock. From rigorous quarterly site visits to specialized care for your intercoms, CCTV, and access control units, our seasoned experts are dedicated to anticipating and addressing potential disruptions before they impact your operations.

Intercom Maintenance:

⦾ Visual inspection of the system
⦾ Check and test the power supply
⦾ Cleaning control components
⦾ Log test results
⦾ Check locks & lock releases are working
⦾ Check speech unit levels are appropriate
⦾ Check cameras and video monitors are operational and that images are clear
⦾Make adjustments where necessary

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CCTV Maintenance:

⦾ Check all control equipment for correct operation
⦾ Check power supplies and standby batteries
⦾ Check time and date settings in equipment and update settings as appropriate.
⦾ Check the integrity of all cabling and check external insulation for damage.
⦾ Clean cameras, lenses, and housing surfaces as necessary Establish regular backups and firmware updates
⦾ Check that the camera perimeter is displayed correctly, and adjust as necessary
⦾ Check brackets, towers, and fixings for corrosion or damage

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Access Control Maintenance:

Visual Inspection
Inspect the devices and make sure there aren’t any frayed or exposed wires, debris in the locks, buildup on screens, keypads, card readers, etc.
Cleaning Components
Clean circuits, mechanisms, touchscreens, and keypads Oil door locks
Check Power
Check that all power connections are tight and secure and that your main power supply functions correctly. Check that the batteries on all entry devices are adequately charged and change any that are low.
Software Maintenance
Make sure that all software is up to date, if applicable. Update user access control permissions.

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⦾ Quarterly Visits:
We will perform site visits to avert systems for failures that could disrupt operations. It also helps to sustain operational performance.
⦾ Equipment/Hardware:
Replacement parts are not included and will be billed at the end of the month. We will provide a ONE-year warranty.
⦾ 24/7 Emergency Calls:
Our hours of operation are M-F, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. After-hours emergency support is also available 24/7 at our emergency hourly rates.

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